Ni Nyoman Lisna Handayani, Ni Ketut Erna Muliastrini, I Putu Suardipa


A change of educational paradigm to learning paradigm has consequently linked to a change in the management of learning process. This change process implies that it necessitates an academic qualification, quality of academic competency, and professional competency of the learning process manager, in this case, the management is the teacher herself. A teacher is a professional educator was main task is to educate, to teach, to guide, to direct, to train, to asses, and to evaluate pupils within the formal education of early schooling children, primary education, and secondary education. A professional educator must possess academic qualification and competencies as he/she acts as an agent of learning. The academic qualification meant here deals with the minimum educational level required of the teacher, while competencies which are attached to the teacher teaching at primary and secondary educational levels encompass : pedagogical competency, personal competency, professional competency and social competency which are learnt in Professional Teacher Education, taken after S1 or Diploma 4 Degree has been gained. Within the legal reference of the national education system, for those having S1 degree in education (S.Pd) taken concurrently in a Professional Teacher Education are expected to have academic and professional competencies which in turn will provide them with greater chance to become professional teacher.

Kata Kunci

Professional Education, Teacher Professionalism

Teks Lengkap:



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