Implementation Of Hindu Religious Education Curriculum In Pasraman Rsi Markandeya Taro, Gianyar District

Ni Komang Sutriyanti, I Made Dharmawan


The purpose of this study is to find out (1) Implementation of Hindu Religious Education Curriculum in PasramanRsiMarkandya Taro, Gianyar Regency, (2) The constraints faced in the Implementation of Hindu Religious Education Curriculum in Pasraman Rsi Markandya Taro, Gianyar Regency and (3) Efforts that undertaken to overcome the obstacles encountered in the Implementation of the Hindu Religious Education Curriculum in Pasraman Rsi Markandya Taro, Gianyar Regency. The theories that used in this research to answer the problem formulation are modern management theory, constructivism theory and excitement theory. This research is descriptive research with qualitative approach which is related to the implementation of the Hindu religious education curriculum in Pasraman Rsi Markandya Taro. The techniques of data collection used are: observation, interviews, study of literature and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative techniques, the Miles and Huberman cycle analysis models. The results of the research showed that: First, the implementation of Hindu religious education in Pasraman Rsi Markandeya Taro, Gianyar District had not been running optimally and there were still a lot of constraints, so it was necessary to conduct evaluations and follow up actions as well as acceleration of the expansion of facilities and infrastructure. Second, the constraints faced are human resources, time allocation, funding and facilities and infrastructure. Third, the efforts were done to solve the constraints encountered, namely providing training to teachers, developing learning programs and utilizing effective learning resources.


Implementation, Curriculum, Pasraman

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