Formatting Of Religious Attitude Of Hindu Bali Youth In The Context Of Religion Conversion (Ethnopedagogy Study in Taro Tegalalang Village, Gianyar)

Ni Putu Suwardani, Wayan Paramartha, Ni Made Indiani


Nowdays, coversion of religion is popular issue to discuss especially for Hindus in Bali as well as outside Bali. This paper conveys some alternatives of how to stay in our religion namely Hindu. There fore the purpose of this study, to analyze: (1) Reasons for the importance of the formation of religious attitudes of Hindu  youth in Taro Village; (2) Strategies for the formation of religious attitudes of Hindu youth in Taro Village; and (3) Implications for the formation of Hindu teenage religious attitudes towards religious knowledge, religious beliefs, and religious behavior. Theories used as scalpel are: phenomenological theory, constructivist theory, and eclectic theory of behavior. This research is classified as a qualitative research, with a multiperspective approach namely theological, phenomenological, psychological and ethnopedagogical. Data collection techniques with unstructured interviews, non-participation, observation, and study of documents. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive techniques, the Miles and Hubeman cycle analysis models. Conclusions: (1) Reasons for the importance of forming religious attitudes of Hindu youth in Taro Village: increasing religious knowledge, suppressing religious fanaticism, forming religious tolerance, and making children morally noble; (2) Strategies for the formation of religious attitudes of Hindu youth in Taro Village, by: providing examples and modelling through a persuasive approach, by creating a religious atmosphere, by internalizing religious values, by habituation, and cooperation with partners. (3) Implications for the formation of religious attitudes: implications for increasing understanding of religion, strengthening of faith / belief (sraddha and bhakti) in religion, and religious behavior becoming more mature, religion becoming an attitude of life.


Formation Religious Attitudes; Ethnopedagogy

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