Konsep Ketuhanan dalam Upaniṣad

I Made Pasek Subawa


The teaching of divinity in the upaniṣads positions God as a concept that is resonated into various forms of character according to its purpose. This shows that God exists to have a duty and function in life. In this situation, the identity of Godhead will emerge which depends on the function it has and depends on how people believe in it, even though God is actually single. Man himself is one of the parts in which there is the cause of life which is the smallest part of God, namely atma. With the existence of this atma, humans can actually connect themselves transcendently with God. This can be done when one is able to practice sadhana diligently and sincerely.

Kata Kunci

divinity; sadhana; upaniṣad

Teks Lengkap:



Donder, I Ketut. 2009. Teologi: Memasuki Gerbang Ilmu Pengetahuan Ilmiah Tentang Tuhan Paradigma Sanatana Dharma. Surabaya: Paramita.

Donder, I Ketut. 2015. Keesaan Tuhan dan Peta Wilayah Kognitif Teologi Hindu: Kajian Pustaka Tentang PluralitasKonsep Teologi dalam Hindu. HARMONI: Jurnal Multikultural & Multireligius Vol. 14 No. 2. Jakarta: Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI.

Radhakrishnan, S. 2008. Upanisad-Upanisad Utama. Surabaya: Paramita.

Titib, I Made. 1996. Veda Sabda Suci: Pedoman Praktis Kehidupan. Surabaya: Paramita.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25078/sp.v12i1.2142


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