Analysis Of Structures, Functions, And Values Of Geguritan Guru Bhakti

Ni Wayan Apriani


Geguritan literature as one of the traditional literature is widely used by the authors to express their ideas in the form of brilliant Hindu religion in language arts. Through literature geguritan, someone indirectly has studied religious teachings. The rapid process of creating works of adult literature is not accompanied by the appreciation of the public, especially the youth. Development of technology and communications in the era of globalization now little by little has eroded the interest of young people to know and learn the traditional literature. They are more attracted to the things that smelled of technology and the exclusion of traditional literature, one that is literary geguritan. Guru Bhakti Geguritan as one of literature geguritan loaded with the values of life that can be used as a guide in life, especially for young people who are in the study. Therefore, Geguritan Guru Bhakti is necessary to be studied and analyzed in a scientific paper entitled Analysis of Structure, Function, and Value Geguritan Guru Bhakti.


Structures, Functions, Values, Geguritan Guru Bhakti


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